Friday, March 19, 2010

A stroll in the market!

14th Of March

We wake up with soar stomaches. It was not an easy sleep after all that meat last night. David said he had a dream about riding horses. I had a lovely dream about going in to a portable loo, and suddenly the whole toilet started rolling down the street, like a car. I was in there doing my business trying to figure out how to stop the thing when suddenly a dog races by, trying very hard to help me. He finally stoped the toilet and i thanked him. And we were talking to each other trying to figure out how to get this toilet back home again, when another dog came racing by in full speed. The dog that was with me started screaming "MOM, I'M HERE!!!" She stopped and came up to us and said "where have you been?? I have been worried sick" Little dog: "Sorry mother, I was just hepling this girl because her toilet started rolling down the street" HAHA!


Today we strolled around San Telmo, a lovely little town. The Sunday Market was on today. My favourite! We had a mission today to buy some MATE glasses to bring home.
So we walked down the market which seemed to be a never ending market. The market was actually so long it stretched all the way into town! It was lovely just walking around looking at things. They have so many nice things to offer. It's a pity my wallet isn't as full as 10 months ago! But we did buy a Mate glas each.
A very crowded market

A table full of MATE glasses

As we reached the end of the market, we were in town, so we hit 2 birds with one stone and we went to see the Obilisc that was on Lauras list aswell. And we also went to Plaza de Mayo again and fed some pigeons. We had a lovely day today!


Angela feedig the pigeons

Back at the hostel after many hours of walking we played some chinese checkers with Paul. Which turned out to be not just one game, but 2 games, and the second game everyone joined, and we had lots an lots of red wine. 3 Argentinian guys came in and played some live music for us. They were so good and that was just the perfect ending for a great day!

David & Paul playing chinese checkers

The 3 wise men! :)
Tomorrow we only have 2 things to go!

Angela & David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello and stop eating lovely food
i am really getting nervous by now and very excited at the same time
can't wait to see yous
love yous