Wednesday, March 17, 2010

La Boca, Tango Town!

11th Of March
2 other things we can cross of the list!

We were smart enough this morning to take the bus to La Boca! (As we heard later on during the day, that the 2 german girls staying in our room got robbed. They never got hurt or anything, but one of the girls lost about 700 pictures from her trip! She even tried o run after and ask him to get just the memory card, but his Argentinian little legs were too fast her!

Colourful La Boca

Tango on the streets

The bus took us right outside the place were we wanted to go to, colourful La Boka. We were Immediately surrounded by tourists, Maradonna look alikes and locals trying to sell us this and that and giving away flyers to restaurants in the area, "come here my friend, best steak in Argentina" "No my Amigo, come here, we have the best live tango, for FREE" "No chicos, come to this one, FREE live show, AND the best steak is here".Aaww, I remember thinking that i've really missed this. I kind of felt like i was back in Asia where all the locals are just crazy and they try and sell you stuff, and rip you off of course. You get sick of it after a while, but still it's kind of nice to have people fight over you.

Is she giving me the fingers??

Uuuh lala

Anyway, we wondered around, admirering the amazing buildings and its crazy colours! La Boca is a wonderful little town to wander around. Full of tourist, but hey, we can't complain as we're the turists aswell.
There are statues of people everywhere, and not the boring statues, these are of course very colourful and funny looking.
We also found a little market where they all sell lovely knitted scarfs, recycled souveniers, jewellerys and lots of other things. I have to say i'm a big fan of Markets.

The famous corner

The not so good restaurant!
We ended the day with going to one of the restaurants with free Tango and gouchers show. The food was kind of horrible, but the show was very good!
We also went in to a shop to look for No.10 Argentinian football shirt, they were just too expensive, but at least he tried it on! I hope it kind of counts!

David and Maradonna

It's big as a house for him, but it suits him!

Back at the hostel we just had a few glasses of wine to end the night.

Angela & David

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