23rd August
We arrived this morning at the sunrise to the beach town of Nha Trang. The overnight bus journey was rough as expected and we had an old bus with narrow seats and not at all comfortable. Also to add to our fun, the bus driver was a very angry little man, with no sense of humour or any other good qualities for that matter. Example: Its 8 pm and all the lights on the bus are switched off, so David goes up to the driver and asks "Is it possible to have the lights turned on for another hour or so, please?" reply comes very swift "No, sleep well" and he carries on driving. Example 2: The toilet is broken on the bus so we make many stops along the way, as we stop the driver notices that a blanket has fallen on the ground. He pushes through the people quickly and bends down to pick it up. He slaps a girl on her leg to show his frustration, the girls does not like this and is much bigger than him, so he appologises. But very very angry little Vietnamese.
Anyway we arrive safe and sound, at our destination. We find a nice hotel to sleep in, and I mean a "Nice Hotel" thats the name of it, you see. We grab some breakfast with our new found friend Richard. We take a snooze and get slightly re-energised for the day ahead. We pop out for a stroll and grab a bite while out there. We went to Rainbow Cafe, where they have a dive club too. We eat some delicious mash potatoes and pie and check the prices for the dives. They are expensive, so we leave to shop around the many dive schools here and lord behold we get one. They are caled Coco Divers and they brag about having the biggest boat.....and the prices are good too. Only $40 for two dives, and small lunch too.......so we got a winner. We check out the beach area, which is very busy indeed compared to where we just came from, and we sample some Italian ice cream for a treat.
(sure why not, we are on holidays)
We then met up with Richard again and went to visit the "Happy Hour Bar", they are everywhere here so not a problem finding one. And we get down to some serious drinking business. We enjoy our night with the bar staff, who try everything to get us to buy stuff, even themselves at one stage......but they say they were joking but who knows eh. So the night finished with six beers each and a bar bill of a staggering €3 each......happy hour indeed. All in all a great start to our stay in Nha Trang.
Angela & David
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