16th August
are now ready to face another day of new sights
The 7am alarm sounded, and we were not bright eyed or bushy tailed this morning due to lack of sleep. But we got up and went through the daily process of grooming and getting the bag ready for the days adventures. We went to the boat for our tour of the cities tombs and temples. First stop was a taste of the old Vietnamese Kung Fu, as performed by a small group of fighters. They were entertaining and performed well for our pleasure. However, before entering there, we did find an old German tourist who started yelling at the tour guide because he had to pay for all the entrance fees, which he thought were included. It sounds like somebody was naughty naughty and told him a little lie in order to sell the tour package for his family (Oops, that is a first where a Vietnamese person tells lies to gain some dollars........NOT).
Brave man indeed!
Hang in there man!
Everybody was kung fu fighting...Uh Ah!
Happy man
Waved hello and blushed when i took his picture...aww!
Waved hello and blushed when i took his picture...aww!
But away we went and visited the Tu Kieu Pagoda where we wondered around for a few minutes and found out some interesting facts about the buddhist way of life.
We got our lunch on the boat as promised, it was small, but food is food. We met some very nice people while munching on the fried rice, so we talked to them for awhile. Back to the boat then for a cruise to the Minh Mang tomb, it being the biggest tomb in Hue and we chose to go inside to check it out. The tomb was nice and its setting within surrounding lakes was great. However, the heat was at its fiercest then, so we were trying to battle with the sun, which probably took a little away from the tombs beauty (What the hell, sure there are plenty more tombs to see at another destination).
Hiding from the sun under the tree
playing "lets strangel each other"
We stopped at a incense making village, and drove this time to yet another tomb (this one however we deicded to sit and have a beer instead). There we met some Danish people with whom a discussion was had about Russian F16 jets flying over their airspace, they were not happy bunnies, but David didn't tell them that he was Russian, so that was fun. This was the end of a long day of touring around, so it needed to be topped off with a fine meal in 'Little Italy Restaurant', with the couple we met from Israel on the tour. We chatted, we drank some beers, I had a pina colada wannabe drink (which was disgusting),and we parted with a swap of the facebook details and went on our merry way to the hotel of ours. On the way, we couldn't resist popping into Mr Cu's Mandarin Cafe to pick up yet another picture, and we found time to drink another beer there too.
Tonight David watched football yet again, so I surfed the net yet again. This time I was determined to go to sleep early, but that didn't happen either as we stayed up til 1.30 am for some unknown reason. Ah well, its Hoi An in the morning for some beach bumming, can't wait for some lazy time. Screw the temples, sometimes enough is enough.
Angela & David
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