Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Killer Whale & Soy

21st of January
Soy sauce all over my sleeping bag!

Mornig time again, good morning everyone. We are lucky to be waking up in the garden of Eden this morning. It is a home to the killer whale museum which we intend to visit straight after breakfast.

"Old Tom" Killer Whale sceleton
The weather is hot once again, and the cool air conditioned killer whale museum is just the trick. We learn many facts about the migration patterns of whales via the east coast of Australia, and feel sad about not being able to catch a glimpse of these huge creatures in their natural habitat, as it is the end of the whale season for this year. On the road again after that for another 300 kilometer drive, or their abouts anyway. On route we pass many beautiful valleys, and countryside with green lucious trees, pretty coastline, and great contrasting colours of the sea and land together. We have time to stop in a small town for some picnic lunch, where we meet a friendly old couple who share their knowledge of Australia and give us a few pointers on things we should or should not do, ie drive under the influence of alcohol being one (we however already are familiar with that one). Also on our way we spotted a place that had mini golf....yes, of course we did :)

Davids favourite one.
I wonder why??

Arriving in Bairnsdale our sleeping village for tonight. We get a camp site and set up the tent in 6 minutes flat, a record so far.

A chinese restaurant also has been spotted across the road, so we ditch the tinned food and get a take away which we proceed to eat in the comforts of our tent, hunched over, breaking our backs. The food is okay tasting, not the real thing though, then all of a sudden Angela's hand knocks over a cup of soy sauce, and right onto the sleeping bag....that sleeping bag is now forever hers. Its a funny end to the night, as Angela kept saying that nothing will go wrong if we eat in the tent. Ha ha ha!

Angela & David

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