4th September
Wakie wakie rise and shine its 6 am. The AC kept me awake nearly all night so no good sleep tonight either, and that's probably why i also slipped in the bathroom and banged my knee of a corner and nearly broke my big toe. After a few curse words that shouldn't be mentioned in the blog, we had some breakfast. (i ordered ice coffee and got warm coffee, david ordered scrambled eggs and got an omelette) Now a relaxing paddle around the fishing village is what is instore for us. As soon as we got out on the Mekong the rain started drizzling a bit so on with our rain coats and a big plastic sheet for extra protection. We sat, we shivered we took in the beauty of the floating houses and the Mekong way of life. Very nice couple of hours to start the day.
The new fashion
Then the three of us get on a boat destined for Cambodia, all 8 hours of it. So we sit, we chat to Sebastiane our new found friend and we wave at all the friendly children as we go by. At the border checkpoint, the trip joins up with another bigger group and this time the boat is equiped with a toilet and 24 cans of the finest Angkor beer, and an ice bucket of course. We cruise at slow speed and enjoy many cans of beer while chatting about our travels to Beau from L.A. All in all laughter and a few beers make the trip seem shorter and more fun. So we arrive in Phnom Penh at the hotel, and we are greeted outside by a very friendly tuk-tuk driver with great English and a good price to the center. The three of us go for a bite to eat to a nice restaurant as recommended by the tuk-tuk man. All over the walls are notes of previous people who have eaten there and their thoughts. All of them read positively so David asks if the have "snake" on the menu, the waitress says yes of course and flicks back to the "Snack" menu. Oh so so close, but no cigar still. The food however was fantastic in there and really a really good price too. Although straight away we notice that Cambodia is more expensive than Vietnam. Tomorrow Siem Riep and the majestic Angkor Wat........
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