After all the packing we started to get ready for the big party. I was sitting on a wooden chair for over 2 hours curling hair and i swear to god, i could litrally taste the wood in my a**!! David was doing what he does best, cooking and ironing. I know, I know, I got myself a good catch.
We rented a room in "The Curch". It's a lovely Bar/Restaurant/Club only 1 minute walk from our apartment. We had our own room, bar, toilets and a barman called Adriano.
I have to say i had a fantastic night and want to say THANK YOU to everyone that could come and for making the night a night to remember. There was ALOT of jagermeister/redbull consumed, and believe me... I'm being punished for that today. There are seriously no words to the describe this hangover i'm having today.
There was a lot of dancing, drinking, drama and laughter and i loved every second of it.
Dana, Andrew & Sudh
Angela & Emmett

David & Manon dancing wildly


Emmett, Ciaran & Shaun

Sudh & Ylva

As'ad, Murielle, Anna & Agatha
The Bar
Finan, Jenny, Ronan, Ann & Suzanne
Hanna & Mick
(A lot of action was going on in the toilets i can tell you!)
Veronica & As'ad

John & David
Congratulations John and Karen on having you baby boy

Manon & Rob
Thank you Rob for taking lovely pictures.
I hope you dont mind i put some up on the blog.

Shane, David, Bren & Manon
Anna ended up dancing on the tables. Where was I?
Thank god the camera was invented!
Oh and by the way, for Ronan, Agatha & Liane, me and David wasn't doing anything kinky in the room and no i wasn't upset about anything. Aperantly you thought so, but no. that night i couldn't go to sleep and first we thought my drink got spiked or something because i kept hearing noices, had problems breathing and my heart was beating so fast. But then we realised it was probably because of my huge consuption of Red Bull that night! ha ha. I will never ever drink a jagerbalm again!
Angela & David
Redbull är livsfarligt! Man ska inte dricka mer än 4 såna groggar per kväll!!!
Jag markte det! Ska aldrig mera gora om det!! PUSS
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