8th - 16th January
We've had a quiet week this week.
Still we've managed to do a lot of things.
One night we went down to Fairlight Walk. It is beautiful down there. We brought wine, beer, hummus and scrabble! The sun went down and we layed down and watched the stars. Uhuh so romantic!
One night we went for some pizza. And of course David couldn't resist the kangaroo pizza.
Me myself couldn't stay away from the blue cheese pizza! Deeelicious!
Blue Bottled Jelly Fish
On one of the hottest days we decided to go down to the beach and cool down in the sea.
We were just about to go in when the life guard announced that you go in on your own risk as there was blue bottled jelly fish everywhere. They wont kill you but they sting you pretty bad! I quote from a woman on the beach "No No, they wont kill you dear, but the sting will hurt you so much it'll kill you!"
We didn't want to risk it so we just stayed lying in the sand for a while.
(Next day we went to the beach again but the jelly fish were still there. This time we saw a little 3 year old got stung! I can tell you I've never heard a child scream so much!)
Hula Hula
David & Angela
The Old Manly Boat Shed
You see that guy crawling on the floor? thats the guy that kept us very entertained with his dancing one night when we, very spontaniously, went out for 1...2....3...4...5....6....7....??....beers. It's a very small dark place, but it did remind us a lot about an old Irish Pub :)
Obviously we were dying the next day when David's old friend from collage, Johnny, came to visit us in Manly.
Harbour Bridge, Sydney
David & Angela
Yesterday we went in to town to go and see the Harbour Bridge and Opera House...again! You can never get enough of it i tell you! We also went in to meet up with David's friend Johnny and his girlfriend Barbra for some beer and tapas! But before that we went for a stroll around town and also got to see Darling Harbour where there was a man in a HUGE dinosaur suit running around scaring children! We went to a museum that had a free exhebition about dragons, unicorns & mermaids. And here is probably the story you all have been waiting for! I kissed another MAN!! Well i wouldn't call him a man, I'd call him weird mythic creature!! What happened was that i was going to get a picture with him, the first one was just normal, next one he asked for my han (picture down below) so i gave him my hand, he kissed it. Then he pointed at his cheek, so i pretended to kiss his cheek for a picture, when David pressed the button he turned and kissed me! I couldn't believe it! In front of my fiancee and everything! haha, and he really went for it aswell! The most annoying thing is that the camera never took a picture! I'd love to see my expression when it happened!

Angela & David at the Rocks.
David beside the aboriginal man that was playing the didgeridoo.
We bought his cd and he explained to us how you play the instrument and the history behind it!
Aboriginal man playing the didgeridoo
The picture befor this creature kissed me!!
David, Angela, Johnny & Barbara
After meeting up with Johnny and Barbara for lovely tapas and beer i went home to Karen and little Sartori. We had a lovely Ice cream and a walk along the wharf in the middle of the night, as they're still jet lagged from the journey all the way from Irlenad.
David on the other hand was not finished his business in town. He met up with John and they went to a Heavy Metal gig called "Destroyer 666" (haha) They were not back untill after 2am and they were pretty fucked up!....VERY drunk!
They had to pay the price today.
We are only a few days away from leaving Sydney now. We have a car booked and will drive down the coast to Melbourne where we're going to stay with Davids friend. Of course we will stop along the way and see things, camp and have BBQs!!
Thank you John, Karren & Sartori for letting us use your apartment when you were away! We had a blast!
Angela & David